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The Top 3 Benefits of 3D-Printed Occlusal Appliances

3D printing
Since the 1990s, 3D printing has become a growing technology in dentistry. This additive manufacturing process produces occlusal appliances by fusing layers of resin together in the exact form of a digital file that was produced from an impression. These impressions can be sent using the traditional physical method or the digital method, which allows for a completely digital workflow. As digital technologies like 3D printing increase in demand, complementary digital technologies like intraoral scanners encourage dentists to adopt a digital workflow.
dental modle and dental tool
3D printers are critical for dental labs looking to stay competitive and provide their customers with high-quality dental products.
In order for a dental lab to fabricate high-quality occlusal products, the material used in their 3D printer needs to be of high quality. New West Dental Lab uses biocompatible resin that is light cured. Depending on the intended thickness and purpose of the appliance, the 3D printer can make a device more rigid or more flexible. This customization is vital not only for meeting patients’ needs, but also meeting the demands of dentists who may prescribe several occlusal appliances a week.
For the past 40 years, New West has been constantly innovating and adapting to meet the demands of dentists nationwide. When you partner with a dental lab like New West that uses 3D printers and digital technology, you can expect:

1. High Accuracy

The digital technology of today offers a level of precision that surpasses that of traditional dental techniques. This allows for better customization of appliances.

Our digital processes are highly accurate without compromising speed.

2. Fast Turnaround Times

Increased accuracy also means fewer remakes and chairside adjustments. When an appliance fits a patient the first time, both the dentist and the patient save time. The digital workflow additionally speeds up production.
Using a completely digital workflow from the chair to the lab allows dentists to save valuable time and enjoy fewer remakes. Want to learn how to take better digital impressions? Read our blog post!

3. Specialty Products

At New West, more specialized dental products like the NTI-tss Plus® and NTI OmniSplint® migraine prevention devices and the new EndSnorZ Sleep Appliance are 3D printed. While migraine prevention and dental sleep medicine may not be a foundational part of traditional dental education, they are still a critical part of patient care. Your patients who are suffering from migraines, tension-related headaches, snoring, obstructive sleep apnea or sleep-related breathing disorders shouldn’t have to delay their treatment due to repeated remakes or ill-fitting appliances. 3D printing can ensure a speedy relief to the patients who need it most.
NTI products
Because the NTI devices and the new EndSnorZ Sleep Appliance are 3D printed to ensure maximum accuracy and optimal fit, dentists can prescribe them with confidence.
When choosing a dental lab to partner with, your patients’ experiences with their appliances matter. For example, dentists need to consider if their patients’ appliances will
  • break frequently
  • feel uncomfortable
  • cost more than they can afford
3D printing technology puts the patient first in its ability to quickly deliver reliable results. Meeting patients’ needs also means growing your practice in a competitive field. Your patients will also love how their new 3D-printed appliances are ready sooner, need fewer adjustments, and last longer than their previous appliances. Plus, by partnering with a lab that integrates digital technology and 3D printers into their workflow, you can get all of the benefits of 3D printers without the price tag. All of New West’s 3D-printed appliances are affordably priced, giving you savings you can pass along to your patients.
With the help of digital technology and 3D printing machines in the lab, New West is positioned to meet dentists’ needs and deliver truly exceptional occlusal appliances. Learn more or prescribe a 3D-printed appliance today by visiting newwestlab.com/all-services/.

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